Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Discriminaton endures.

Hate in my own words means discrimination against one person or a group of people. For ex. the kkk was a hate group that terrorised against african americans, jews and other minorities. Just because they didnt like the way they looked. Another ex. for modern day would be people who hate against Obama now that hes our president because some people dont like the color of his skin. Hate is everywhere we just do not realize it.

The group of people that suffered the absolute most discrimination was the jews. Hitler figured that by persuaing people we could make this world a better place if we could just get rid of the jews. By getting rid of the jews that could solve all of our problems. Some people bought into it as others did not. Hitler seemed to be the dictator of Germany. His name was very populuar in world war 2 including the holocaust.

Today in my opinion the group that has and still endures the most discrimiantion would be the blacks. They have been discriminated ever since I can remember. The blacks are only discriminated over one thing obviuosly. I think that til the end of times that they will be hated. There will always be people who hate other people for whatever reason it is.

"The forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid" Franklin D. Roosevelt

"In spite of everything, I still beleive people are really good at heart" - Anne Frank

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