Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Silence: Absence of any sound or noise; stillness.


This image shows how these Jews want there voice to be heard. There not protesting yelling or screaming but simply marching in silence for what they want.


This shows how this Black lady wants to speak up in what she believes and what is right. Just like Elie he wanted his voice heard but knowing that silence was the best thing he could do. Now he let his voice be heard and spoke up to tell his story.


This picture represents the Night when it was the most silent time of Elies day. He felt very peaceful and that it was calm. He didnt know what tomorrow would bring but he did know that it was another day he survived alive.


This pictures shows how this girl wants to speak up and so did Elie but he didnt. There were many times at the camps when Elie wanted to talk back to the Nazis but knew it was best not too.


I chose this picture because it bests decribes my theme. It shows how majority of the time being silence is better. Silence is peaceful. When Elie kept his silence during the concentration camps he was more at ease.

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