Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Silence: Absence of any sound or noise; stillness.


This image shows how these Jews want there voice to be heard. There not protesting yelling or screaming but simply marching in silence for what they want.


This shows how this Black lady wants to speak up in what she believes and what is right. Just like Elie he wanted his voice heard but knowing that silence was the best thing he could do. Now he let his voice be heard and spoke up to tell his story.


This picture represents the Night when it was the most silent time of Elies day. He felt very peaceful and that it was calm. He didnt know what tomorrow would bring but he did know that it was another day he survived alive.


This pictures shows how this girl wants to speak up and so did Elie but he didnt. There were many times at the camps when Elie wanted to talk back to the Nazis but knew it was best not too.


I chose this picture because it bests decribes my theme. It shows how majority of the time being silence is better. Silence is peaceful. When Elie kept his silence during the concentration camps he was more at ease.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog 3:

Hitler: 85%
Nazis: 10%
S.S Officers 5%

(My Chart wouldnt work!!)

*Hitler because he thought if he could exterminate all of the jews then this place we call earth could be better off. The jews were blamed for everything so in Hitlers eyes to make eveything better also meant "killing off" all of the Jews.
*The Nazis persecuted those they perceived as either race or enemies, and the Jews fell into both of those categories.
* S.S officers were an elite military unit of the Nazi party that served as Hitler's personal guard and as a special security force in Germany and the occupied countries.
Without them Hitler wouldnt be on control.


Blog 2: Jewish Star

Citation: (

I chose to do the jewish star because it is the most significant artificat in the beginning of "Night". The Jews had to wear the star to seperate them from the Germans. This is significant to both WWII and my book because this is what was really happening to the jews. Who: The Jews wore the star, What: The important artificat, Where: In a Transylvanian town called Sighet, When: In the summer of 1944, and Why: Because it was to show they had no more freedom. Also to show how the Germans and their government had complete control over the Jews. To remind the Jews that they were in power and above them.

This Jewish star is important because it reminds the Jews that they are no longer in control and that the Germans were. That their freedom is gone. They no longer have no say so in what happens. From here on out they were just slaves of the higher class being the Germans.I predict that the rest of my story will be about the Jews being below the Germans and the Jews having their whole life turned around from here on out.

Yes, this artifact does. It shows how just because the jews looked different and were a different race they were treated so badly. I didnt understand the meaning of the jewish star until I started reading this book. This star changes everything about the Jews and WWII.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Discriminaton endures.

Hate in my own words means discrimination against one person or a group of people. For ex. the kkk was a hate group that terrorised against african americans, jews and other minorities. Just because they didnt like the way they looked. Another ex. for modern day would be people who hate against Obama now that hes our president because some people dont like the color of his skin. Hate is everywhere we just do not realize it.

The group of people that suffered the absolute most discrimination was the jews. Hitler figured that by persuaing people we could make this world a better place if we could just get rid of the jews. By getting rid of the jews that could solve all of our problems. Some people bought into it as others did not. Hitler seemed to be the dictator of Germany. His name was very populuar in world war 2 including the holocaust.

Today in my opinion the group that has and still endures the most discrimiantion would be the blacks. They have been discriminated ever since I can remember. The blacks are only discriminated over one thing obviuosly. I think that til the end of times that they will be hated. There will always be people who hate other people for whatever reason it is.

"The forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid" Franklin D. Roosevelt

"In spite of everything, I still beleive people are really good at heart" - Anne Frank

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blog: 0

Gabby Mata i am reading "Night".